From September, 2019


— this summer, the yurok tribe declared rights of personhood for the klamath river, likely the first to do so for a river in north america. a concept previously restricted to humans (and corporations), “rights of personhood” means, most simply, that an individual or entity has rights, and they’re now being extended to nonhumans. read : klamath river now has the legal rights of a person


— the rule changes followed a united nations report that said 1 million species worldwide face extinction as a result of human activity. wednesday’s lawsuit came on the heels of a separate report that 3 billion birds have been lost since the 1970s. read : the trump administration weakened endangered species act rules — 17 state attorneys general have sued over it


— it’s unknown how many and what types of whales historically plied the waters off new york city, but scientists believe they were an important top predator—and that their return to the biggest city on the atlantic bodes well for the ocean’s long-term health. read : whale populations in new york harbor are booming—here’s why  


— now comes a new usurpation that would seem a ridiculous caricature of anti-environmentalism were it not so worrisome. read : you can’t put a price tag on life more : the species act, endangered  


— overall, many of the changes finalized last month are far more modest than environmentalists and the media have portrayed. and some of the more substantive changes, such as restoring the regulatory distinction between threatened and endangered species, will likely reduce conflicts with landowners and encourage more collaboration in species-recovery efforts — all without reducing the act’s effectiveness at preventing extinction. read : new endangered-species regulations are good for species


  — what, then,  does it mean to list a species in connecticut that has no protection two hours down the road? read : endangered species rollbacks a serious threat


— if a vessel reaches either limit on a trip, it would have to return to port and wait five days before it can resume fishing. federal scientists would evaluate the vessel and turtle interactions during that time and potentially provide guidance. read : sea turtles for swordfish? feds may lift cap on endangered species