From August, 2019


— they watched with anticipation as about a thousand southern mountain yellow-legged frog tadpoles and three adult frogs enjoyed their first few minutes of life in the wild. the amphibians hesitated a moment before cruising toward clusters of foliage to settle into their new habitat. reintroducing these sensitive amphibians back into their native ecosystem is a significant milestone in the long slow battle to rehabilitate the species. read : conservationists fight to save critically endangered amphibians 


— that device is connected by cable to a buoy floating above that transmits data by satellite to scientists on shore. from there, captains can be alerted to slow their ships down or reroute. read : california sound system tries to keep whales and ships apart


“in the past when we have raised animals for wild release, they have been released in kind of an ad-hoc manner — choosing an area that looks pretty good and letting the animal go.” read : finishing school helps critically endangered animals prepare for life in the wild


— “when we go back, we can put the mussel in a hole,” clayton said. “so it’s easier, less energy consuming for that mussel to rebury into the substrate.” each mussel will be tagged with small silver plastic tag and measured. “so we’ve actually had mussels in here who’ve been tracked for the 15-year period we’ve been monitoring here,” she said. read : mussel woman, biologist passes along pearls of wisdom about threatened mussels


now not listed as rare, vulnerable or endangered; slender-billed thornbill (western) was rare tammar wallaby (sa), was endangered red-necked wallaby, was rare swamp wallaby, was vulnerable eastern grey kangaroo, was rare southern marsupial mole (itjaritjara), was vulnerable (source: sa environment department) read : environment department downgrades status of rare, vulnerable and endangered